Aims and Assumptions
The Yale University Ph.D. in nursing program educates students in research, scholarship, teaching, and health care policy. Under the guidance of the faculty, Ph.D. students engage in advanced study and generate new knowledge and ideas through research. They learn to disseminate this knowledge through scholarly publications, presentations, teaching, and leadership. Particular emphasis is placed on the development of scientific knowledge that is consistent with YSN’s mission of “better health for all people,” contributing to healthy lifespans, reducing health disparities, improving quality of care, and shaping health policy. The educational program is provided through formal course work, seminars, research assistantships, teaching fellowships, dissertation research, mentorship by faculty experts, and informal faculty and student interactions within the School of Nursing and throughout Yale University. Interdisciplinary study is encouraged, and students have access to the vast resources of the University as they complete their course work and dissertation research.
The Ph.D. program is administered by the Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS). To receive admissions information, please contact the Office of Admissions at the GSAS at 203.432.2771 or at More information about the program is available at and
Fields of Study
Fields include chronic illness (diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, HIV/AIDS); self- and family management; maternal and child health; sleep and sleep disorders; global health; health equity and care of vulnerable populations; acute and critical care; end-of-life and palliative care; genetic and environmental influences on health; gerontology and long-term care; and school- and community-based interventions.
Special Admission Requirements
Applicants should have a master’s degree in nursing, or the equivalent, including previous course work in statistics and graduate-level course work in research methods. The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test is required. The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is required of all applicants for whom English is a second language. Samples of written work (e.g., published article, thesis, literature review) and a curriculum vitae are required. Qualified applicants will be invited for an interview with a member of the doctoral faculty.
Special Requirements for the Ph.D. Degree
Course Work
Completion of fourteen core courses/seminars and four cognates in the student’s area of specialization (including one advanced analysis course) is required. Successful completion of the dissertation seminar (906a/907b) every term is also required. The required core courses are:
- 901a, Research Methods I: Quantitative Methods for Health Research
- 902b, Research Methods II: Qualitative Methods for Health Research
- 903b, Research Methods III: Measurement of Health Variables
- 904a, Research Methods IV: Mixed Methods
- 905a, Research Methods V: Intervention Development
- 908a, Science, Scholarship, and Communication of Knowledge I
- 909b, Science, Scholarship, and Communication of Knowledge II
- 910a, Science, Scholarship, and Communication of Knowledge III
- 911b, Science, Scholarship, and Communication of Knowledge IV
- 912a, Foundations of Scientific Inquiry I: Philosophical and Theoretical Basis for Nursing Science
- 913b, Foundations of Scientific Inquiry II: Theories of Health, Symptom Management, and Self-Management
- 917b, Advanced Statistics for Clinical Nursing Research
- 929b, Ethical Conduct of Clinical Research
- 941a, Health Policy, Leadership, and Systems
The grading system includes Honors, High Pass, Pass, and Fail. Students must maintain a High Pass average and achieve a grade of Honors in at least two core courses to remain in good standing. High Pass is required in all core courses in the first year for a student to be eligible to take the Preliminary Examination. After the first year, no more than one grade of Pass in a core course will be permitted. A grade of Pass or better is required for all cognates, including the required advanced analysis course.
In addition to all other requirements, students must successfully complete 929b, Ethical Conduct of Clinical Research, prior to the end of their first year of study. This requirement must be met prior to registering for a second year of study.
Graduate Research Assistant and Teaching Fellow Experience
During the first two years of the program, students are Graduate Research Assistants with faculty mentors and participate in the mentor’s ongoing research.
Teaching experience is also considered to be an integral part of graduate education. Therefore, two terms as a Teaching Fellow are required. Teaching Fellows assist with the teaching of larger master’s-level courses, typically during their third year of doctoral study.
Successful completion of three examinations is required.
- The Preliminary Examination is taken in June after the first year of course work has been completed. A grade of High Pass or better in each core course is required. The Preliminary Examination is intended to allow the student to demonstrate mastery of doctoral course work. Passing the Preliminary Examination is a prerequisite for continuing in the second year of doctoral study.
- The Qualifying Examination typically takes place at the end of the second year of study, when required course work is completed. If the Qualifying Examination is not completed by the end of the sixth term, the student will be placed on Academic Probation. If not completed by the end of the seventh term, the student will be dismissed from the program. The student prepares a comprehensive dissertation proposal containing a statement of the problem to be studied, conceptual framework, critical review of relevant literature, design, methods, and plan for analysis. The oral Qualifying Examination typically lasts 1 to 1.5 hours. The student gives a 15-minute formal presentation of the proposed study and answers questions regarding the research and related topics. Successful completion of the Qualifying Examination is required for candidacy for the doctoral degree.
- The Final Oral Examination is based on the dissertation. The dissertation is intended to demonstrate that the student is competent in the chosen area of study and has conducted independent research. The Final Oral Examination typically lasts 1.5 to 2 hours. The student gives a 15- to 20-minute formal presentation of the dissertation and answers questions. Successful completion of the Final Oral Examination is required before the Ph.D. can be awarded.
Master’s Degree
M.Phil. This degree will be granted to Ph.D. students who successfully complete two years of course work, but do not progress to the dissertation stage. To be awarded the M.Phil. degree, students need to complete all core courses, four cognates (may include independent study with faculty), and two years of Graduate Research Assistant experience, and must pass the Preliminary Examination. This degree is normally granted only to students who are withdrawing from the Ph.D. program.