Program Requirements

General Requirements

Master of Music candidates

  • A normal load is 18 credit hours per term; a total of 72 credit hours is required for graduation.
  • 16 credit hours per term is the minimum enrollment load required for full-time M.M. candidates in residence.

Master of Musical Arts candidates

  • A normal load is 16 credit hours per term; a total of 64 credit hours is required for graduation.
  • 14 credit hours is the minimum enrollment load required for full-time M.M.A. candidates.
  • Those who were admitted to the M.M.A. program in their last term of M.M. studies at Yale complete 32 credits for the M.M.A. and must do so in one year.

Doctor of Musical Arts candidates

  • A normal load is 18 credit hours per term; a total of 72 credit hours is required for graduation.
  • 16 credit hours per term is the minimum enrollment load required for full-time D.M.A. candidates in residence.

Certificate students

  • Certificate students must register for 16 credit hours for each of six terms for a total of 96 credits.
  • 14 credit hours per term is the minimum enrollment load required for full-time Certificate candidates in residence.

Artist Diploma students

  • 14 credit hours are required per term, with a total of 56 credit hours required for graduation.
  • Students who already hold an M.M. degree from Yale complete 28 credits for the A.D. and must do so in one year.

The work of all students is given periodic review, and appropriate suggestions for improvement or changes are made.

Proficiencies and Required Courses

Musicianship/analysis and music history requirement

  • All students entering the School of Music take placement examinations in musicianship/analysis and music history. On the basis of these examinations, each student plans a program of studies in consultation with an academic adviser.
  • Students may be required to enroll in sections of Analysis and Musicianship (MUS 500, 501, 502) during their first year.
  • Students may also be required to enroll in sections of the Music History survey (MUS 511, 512, 513) or an appropriate elective as determined by the placement examination.
  • Certificate candidates are required to take all three sections of the Music History survey and two terms of Analysis and Musicianship unless exempt on the basis of the placement exam.

English Language Skills

Students may also be required, on the basis of the above placement examinations or their admission materials, to enroll in MUS 521, English Language Skills.

Nonperformance (NP) and distribution group requirement

  • All students must complete at least one nonperformance (NP) course per term.
  • Master of Music and Certificate students must complete at least one nonperformance class from each of distribution groups A, B, and C.
  • Although some courses are cross-listed in multiple distribution groups, each course can only be used to satisfy the requirements of one group.
  • Most Yale University courses outside the School of Music and the Department of Music qualify for 4 nonperformance credit hours per term under group C.

Keyboard proficiency requirement

  • All students must pass the keyboard proficiency.
  • Keyboard proficiency for orchestral and choral conducting, harpsichord, and organ is reviewed by the department.

Additional requirements

  • MUS 519, 619, 719, Colloquium, is required each term of all ISM students.
  • Individual departments may also require students to take specific courses as outlined below.

Requirements for Performance Majors

The degree program in performance is designed for the student seeking a professional career as an instrumentalist, vocalist, or conductor. The curriculum has been designed to provide training in areas essential to the broadening and strengthening of students’ skills required to meet the exacting standards of today’s profession. Performance majors are offered in piano, organ, harpsichord, violin, viola, violoncello, double bass, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn, trumpet, trombone, tuba, percussion, harp, guitar, and voice, as well as in orchestral and choral conducting. Admission is dependent upon the applicant’s performance abilities, and candidates are admitted on the basis of screening recordings and a live audition.

  • Each student is assigned a principal teacher in the student’s area of specialization, receives individual instruction in the major, and participates in required seminars and master classes given by the major department. Seminars may also encompass off-campus field trips and fieldwork as assigned by the instructors.
  • All students except orchestral conductors present a juried public degree recital in the final year of study; certain departments require an additional recital during the first year of residence. Orchestral conductors participate in the Conducting Fellows’ Recital each year.
  • Participation in chamber music is required of instrumental majors (except organ) in each term of enrollment. In addition to continuous participation in chamber ensembles, students are assigned to New Music New Haven. String, wind, harp, and percussion students perform in the Yale Philharmonia, as assigned.
  • All singers participate in Opera Workshop or Schola Cantorum and take classes in Vocal Repertoire, Opera Workshop, Body Movement, Acting, Performance Practice, and Diction as indicated below.
  • At the beginning of the program, organ students are assessed for skills in keyboard harmony, service playing, conducting, and voice and may be required to take classes for further development in these areas.

Accompanying Requirement for Piano Majors

All piano majors, including M.M.A. students, are required to play for at least one instrumental or vocal recital per academic year without pay as part of the departmental major. Priority will be given to degree recitals. Pianists must play all pieces that require piano accompaniment in a recital to fulfill this requirement.

  • Pianists who are accompanying a recital for departmental major credit will play all rehearsals (including dress rehearsal), lessons, master classes, and studio lessons without pay. In extenuating circumstances that require more than fifteen hours of rehearsal, hours worked above fifteen hours can be paid with approval from the deputy dean.
  • Fifteen hours of general accompaniment cannot be substituted for accompanying a recital.
  • To fulfill this requirement and receive credit, the student must notify the senior collaborative piano fellow in advance and provide a program after the recital is complete.

Master of Music

Special Requirements

  • All students present a public degree recital in the final year of study; certain departments require a recital in each year of residence.
  • All students must complete four nonperformance electives at the rate of one per term.

Course Requirements

Orchestral Instruments
Course Credits
Total 72
Yale Philharmonia/New Music New Haven 8
Chamber Music 8
Seminar in the Major 8
Individual Instruction 16
Group A minimum of 4
Group B minimum of 4
Group C minimum of 2
Electives 22
Course Credits
Total 72
Chamber Music 8
Collaborative Piano: Instrumental 2
Collaborative Piano: Vocal 2
Seminar 16
Individual Instruction 16
Group A minimum of 4
Group B minimum of 4
Group C minimum of 2
Electives 18
Choral Conducting
Course Credits
Total 72
Camerata 4
Repertory Chorus 8
Recital Chorus 4
Secondary Voice 4
Seminar in the Major 8
Individual Instruction 16
*Colloquium (ISM only) 4
Group A minimum of 4
Group B minimum of 4
Group C minimum of 2
Electives 14
Course Credits
Total 72
Chamber Music/New Music New Haven 8
Seminar in the Major 8
Individual Instruction 16
Group A minimum of 4
Group B minimum of 4
Group C minimum of 2
Electives 30
Orchestral Conducting
Course Credits
Total 72
Score Reading/Analysis 16
Seminar in the Major 8
Individual Instruction 16
Group A minimum of 4
Group B minimum of 4
Group C minimum of 2
Electives 22
Voice (Opera)
Course Credits
Total 80
Vocal Repertoire 8
Acting for Singers 4
Lyric Diction 8
Opera Workshop 12
Art Song Coaching 4
Seminar in the Major 8
Individual Instruction 16
Group A minimum of 4
Group B minimum of 4
Group C minimum of 2
Electives 10
Voice (Early Music, Oratorio, and Chamber Ensemble)
Course Credits
Total 74
Acting and Movement for Singers 2
Lyric Diction 8
Early Music Coaching 4
Art Song Coaching 4
Performance Practice for Singers 8
Schola Cantorum 4
Vocal Chamber Music 2
*Colloquium (ISM students only) 4
Seminar in the Major 8
Individual Instruction 16
Group A minimum of 4
Group B minimum of 4
Group C minimum of 2
Electives 4
Course Credits
Total 72
Seminar in the Major 8
Individual Instruction 16
*Colloquium (ISM students only) 4
Liturgical Keyboard Skills 4
Liturgical Music Skills 4
Keyboard Harmony for Organists 2
Elements of Choral Technique 4
Secondary Conducting Lessons 2
Group A minimum of 4
Group B minimum of 4
Group C minimum of 2
Electives 18

*School of Music students replace the colloquium with an elective.

†At the beginning of the program, organ students are assessed for skills in keyboard harmony, service playing, conducting, and voice and may be required to take classes for further development in these areas. Organ students are also assessed on conducting and vocal skills and may be required to take classes for further development in these areas.

Master of Musical Arts

Special Requirements

  • All students present a public degree recital during each year of residence in the program, one of which must include a lecture component.
  • The number of electives varies according to the requirements of the departments.
  • Some M.M.A. students may be required by their departments to enroll in specific classes.
  • One-year internal candidates must complete two nonperformance electives at the rate of at least one per term.
  • Two-year external candidates must complete four nonperformance electives at the rate of at least one per term.

Course Requirements for All M.M.A. Candidates

Course credits internal candidates credits external candidates
Total 32 64
Individual Instruction 8 16
Chamber Music (where applicable) 4 8
Yale Philharmonia (where applicable) 4 8
Instrumental Seminar (where applicable) 8
Electives 16 24

Area Requirements

Course credits internal candidates credits external candidates
Total 32 64
Chamber Music 4 8
Collaborative Piano: Instrumental 2
Collaborative Piano: Vocal 2
Seminar 16
Individual Instruction 8 16
Electives 20 20
Voice (Early Music, Oratorio, and Chamber Ensemble)
Course credits internal candidates credits external candidates
Total 32 74
Acting and Movement for Singers 2
Lyric Diction 8
Early Music Coaching 4
Art Song Coaching 2 4
Performance Practice for Singers 8
Schola Cantorum 2 4
Vocal Chamber Music 2 2
*Colloquium (ISM students only) 4 4
Seminar in the Major 4 8
Individual Instruction 8 16
Electives 10 14
Voice (Opera)
Course credits internal candidates credits external candidates
Total 32 76
Vocal Repertoire 8
Acting and Movement for Singers 2 4
Lyric Diction 8
Opera Workshop 6 12
Art Song Coaching 2 4
Seminar in the Major 4 8
Individual Instruction 8 16
Electives 10 16

Doctor of Musical Arts

Special Requirements

Following completion of the two-year residential period, all students pursue a professional career giving evidence of distinguished professional achievement in the candidate’s field and confirm that evidence by a professional recital and comprehensive oral examination at Yale.

Residential component
  • Two years of residence with a minimum of 72 credits is required.
  • Candidates must take the assessment in keyboard at the onset of the program; the keyboard proficiency requirement must be fulfilled before the completion of the D.M.A. residential period.
  • All students present a public degree recital or contribute new compositions to New Music New Haven during each of the two years, pass written comprehensive examinations during their third term, complete a thesis and give an oral presentation, and pass oral examinations during their final term.
  • Registration and participation in D.M.A. Seminar I, D.M.A. Seminar II, and Colloquium are required.
  • A thesis prospectus is due at the start of the second D.M.A. Seminar II.
  • Electives are chosen in conjunction with D.M.A. advisers.
  • Courses may be required on the basis of the D.M.A. admission examination; individual departments may also require students to enroll in specific classes.
Dissertation component
  • During the three-year dissertation period, D.M.A. candidates will be focused full-time on compiling a dossier of distinguished artistic and professional achievements.
  • Following the required annual submission of professional activities updates to the D.M.A. committee, candidates must apply to return for a final D.M.A. recital and oral examination in the third January by filing an application and submitting a dossier.
  • Candidates whose dossiers have been approved by the D.M.A. committee will be invited to return for the final D.M.A. recital and oral examination during the subsequent academic year.

Course Requirements

Course Credits
Total 72
Individual Instruction 16
D.M.A. Seminar I 4
D.M.A. Seminar II 8
D.M.A. Colloquium 4
Chamber Music (where applicable) 8
Yale Philharmonia (where applicable) 8
Departmental Seminar (where applicable) 8
Electives 16
D.M.A. Dissertation (6 terms)

Artist Diploma

Special Requirements

  • All students present a public degree recital and one major ensemble performance.
  • One-year internal candidates must complete two nonperformance electives at the rate of at least one per term.
  • Two-year external candidates must complete four nonperformance electives at the rate of at least one per term.

Course Requirements

Course credits 1-year internal candidates credits 2-year candidates
Total 28 56
Orchestral Instruments
Yale Philharmonia/New Music New Haven 4 8
Chamber Music 4 8
Seminar in the Major 4 8
Individual Instruction 8 16
Electives 8 16
Course credits 1-year internal candidates credits 2-year candidates
Total 28 60
Chamber Music 4 8
Collaborative Piano: Instrumental 2
Collaborative Piano: Vocal 2
Seminar 16
Individual Instruction 8 16
Electives 16 16
Course credits 1-year internal candidates credits 2-year candidates
Total 28 56
Chamber Music/New Music New Haven 4 8
Seminar in the Major 4 8
Individual Instruction 8 16
Electives 12 24
Voice (Opera)
Course credits 1-year internal candidates credits 2-year candidates
Total 30 80
Vocal Repertoire 8
Acting and Movement for Singers 2 4
Lyric Diction 8
Opera Workshop 6 12
Art Song Coaching 2 4
Seminar in the Major 4 8
Individual Instruction 8 16
Electives 8 20
Course credits 1-year internal candidates credits 2-year candidates
Total 28 56
*Colloquium (ISM students only) 2 4
Seminar in the Major 4 8
Liturgical Keyboard Skills 4
Liturgical Music Skills 4
Keyboard Harmony for Organists 2
Elements of Choral Technique 4
Secondary Conducting Lessons 2
Individual Instruction 8 16
Electives 14 12

*School of Music students replace the colloquium with an elective.

†At the beginning of the program, organ students are assessed for skills in keyboard harmony, service playing, conducting, and voice and may be required to take classes for further development in these areas. Organ students are also assessed on conducting and vocal skills and may be required to take classes for further development in these areas.

Certificate in Performance

Special Requirements

  • All students present a public degree recital in the final year of study; certain departments require a recital in each year of residence.
  • All students must complete four nonperformance electives.
  • All students must take the fall placement examinations in analysis/musicianship and music history (see M.M. degree) for placement in Analysis and Musicianship (MUS 500, 501, 502).
  • Music History (MUS 511, 512, 513) is required of all students unless exempt.
  • Required courses from which a candidate is exempt on the basis of placement examinations must be replaced with electives.
  • Students who wish to retain the option to convert to an M.M. degree upon completion of a bachelor’s degree must complete all the requirements for the M.M. degree, including all proficiencies, while in residence.

Course Requirements

Orchestral Instruments
Course Credits
Total 96
Yale Philharmonia/New Music New Haven 12
Chamber Music 12
Seminar in the Major 12
Individual Instruction 24
Group A minimum of 4
Group B minimum of 4
Group C minimum of 2
Electives 26
Course Credits
Total 96
Chamber Music 12
Collaborative Piano: Instrumental 2
Collaborative Piano: Vocal 2
Seminar 24
Individual Instruction 24
Group A minimum of 4
Group B minimum of 4
Group C minimum of 2
Electives 22
Course Credits
Total 96
Chamber Music/New Music New Haven 12
Seminar in the Major 12
Individual Instruction 24
Group A minimum of 4
Group B minimum of 4
Group C minimum of 2
Electives 38
Course Credits
Total 102
Vocal Repertoire 8
Acting and Movement for Singers 6
Lyric Diction 8
Opera Workshop 18
Art Song Coaching 6
Seminar in the Major 12
Individual Instruction 24
Group A minimum of 4
Group B minimum of 4
Group C minimum of 2
Electives 10

Requirements for Composition Majors

The degree program in composition is designed as preparation for professional work in composition and such related fields as teaching, arranging, scoring, music technology, and similar activities that require a high degree of professional competence in working with the materials of music.

Admission requirements

  • Admission to this major is dependent primarily on demonstrated ability in composition.
  • Applicants should submit scores and recordings of at least three recent works, each written for a different group of instruments, voices, and/or electronic media.
  • Applicants should also be prepared for aural and written tests dealing with the essentials of comprehensive musicianship and the history of music.

Master of Music

Special Requirements

  • Over the course of two years, each candidate must present, in public performances of the candidate’s music, the equivalent of a full recital program.
  • All students must complete four nonperformance electives at the rate of one per term.

Course Requirements

Course Credits
Total 72
Tonal Analysis elective 4
Nontonal Analysis elective 4
Individual Instruction 16
Seminar in the Major 8
Group A minimum of 4
Group B minimum of 4
Group C minimum of 2
Electives 30

Master of Musical Arts

Special Requirements

  • Over the course of two years, each candidate must present, in public performances of the candidate’s music, the equivalent of a full recital program.
  • The number of electives varies according to the requirements of the departments.
  • Some M.M.A. students may be required by their departments to enroll in specific classes.
  • All students must complete at least one nonperformance elective per term.

Course Requirements

Course internal candidates external candidates
Total 32 64
Tonal Analysis elective 4
Nontonal Analysis elective 4
Individual Instruction 8 16
Seminar in the Major 4 8
Electives 20 32

Doctor of Musical Arts

Special Requirements

Following completion of the two-year residential period, all students pursue a professional career giving evidence of distinguished professional achievement in the candidate’s field and confirm that evidence by a professional recital and comprehensive oral examination at Yale.

Residential component
  • Two years of residence with a minimum of 72 credits is required.
  • All students present a public degree recital or contribute new compositions to New Music New Haven during each of the two years, pass written comprehensive examinations during their third term, complete a thesis and give an oral presentation, and pass oral examinations during their final term.
  • Registration and participation in D.M.A. Seminar I, D.M.A. Seminar II, and Colloquium are required.
  • A thesis prospectus is due at the start of the second D.M.A. Seminar II.
  • Electives are chosen in conjunction with D.M.A. advisers.
  • Courses may be required on the basis of the D.M.A. admission examination; individual departments may also require students to enroll in specific classes.
Dissertation component
  • During the three-year dissertation period, D.M.A. candidates will be focused full-time on compiling a dossier of distinguished artistic and professional achievements.
  • Following the required annual submission of professional activities updates to the D.M.A. committee, candidates must apply to return for a final D.M.A. recital and oral examination in the third January by filing an application and submitting a dossier.
  • Candidates whose dossiers have been approved by the D.M.A. committee will be invited to return for the final D.M.A. recital and oral examination during the subsequent academic year.

Course Requirements

Course Credits
Total 72
Individual Instruction 16
D.M.A. Seminar I 4
D.M.A. Seminar II 8
D.M.A. Colloquium 4
Chamber Music (where applicable) 8
Yale Philharmonia (where applicable) 8
Departmental Seminar (where applicable) 8
Electives 16
D.M.A. Dissertation (6 terms)