Technical Internship
The Technical Design and Production program offers one-year internships for those seeking to become professional costume technicians, production electricians, projection engineers, properties artisans, scenic artists, scenic carpenters, or sound engineers. David Geffen School of Drama awards a Technical Internship Certificate to interns who complete the internship with distinction.
Special Research Fellows
Each year, a limited number of scholars are admitted to David Geffen School of Drama as one-term or one-year special research fellows. These fellows are usually professionals in the field of theater from abroad who wish to pursue research and audit one or two courses a term within the School. Fellows are enrolled half-time with the research and auditing of courses arranged in consultation with the appropriate program chair and the registrar. There is no fellow status affiliated with the Acting program. Special research fellows are not eligible for financial aid according to federal guidelines; they are required to pay tuition and are not eligible for Yale Health Basic Coverage.
Special Students
Each year, some students are admitted to David Geffen School of Drama as one-year special students in the programs of Design; Dramaturgy and Dramatic Criticism; Technical Design and Production; or Theater Management. These students must be in residence on a full-time basis and are not eligible for a degree or certificate. The curriculum for special students is arranged in consultation with the appropriate chair.
Special students may apply for admission to the program of study during their one-year residency in accordance with the program’s application deadline. They must comply with School’s admission requirements and, if admitted, may matriculate as second-year students if they have fulfilled all of their program’s first-year requirements. Special students are not eligible for financial aid according to federal guidelines; they are required to pay tuition and are not eligible for Yale Health Basic Coverage.