Yale University Resources and Services

A Global University

Global engagement is core to Yale’s mission as one of the world’s great universities. Yale aspires to:

  • Be the university that best prepares students for global citizenship and leadership
  • Be a worldwide research leader on matters of global import
  • Be the university with the most effective global networks

Yale’s engagement beyond the United States dates from its earliest years. The university remains committed to attracting the best and brightest from around the world by offering generous international financial aid packages, conducting programs that introduce and acclimate international students to Yale, and fostering a vibrant campus community.

Yale’s globalization is guided by the vice provost for global strategy, who is responsible for ensuring that Yale’s broader global initiatives serve its academic goals and priorities, and for enhancing Yale’s international presence as a leader in liberal arts education and as a world-class research institution. The vice provost works closely with academic colleagues in all of the university’s schools and provides support and strategic guidance to the many international programs and activities undertaken by Yale faculty, students, and staff.

Teaching and research at Yale benefit from the many collaborations underway with the university’s international partners and the global networks forged by Yale across the globe. International activities across all Yale schools include curricular initiatives that enrich classroom experiences from in-depth study of a particular country to broader comparative studies; faculty research and practice on matters of international importance; the development of online courses and expansion of distance learning; and the many fellowships, internships, and opportunities for international collaborative research projects on campus and abroad. Together these efforts serve to enhance Yale’s global educational impact and are encompassed in the university’s global strategy.

The Office of International Affairs (https://world.yale.edu/oia) provides administrative support for the international activities of all schools, departments, centers, and organizations at Yale; promotes Yale and its faculty to international audiences; and works to increase the visibility of Yale’s international activities around the globe. OIA also coordinates Yale’s program for hosting scholars at risk.

The Office of International Students and Scholars (https://oiss.yale.edu) hosts orientation programs and social activities for the university’s international community and is a resource for international students and scholars on immigration matters and other aspects of acclimating to life at Yale.

The Yale Alumni Association (https://alumni.yale.edu) provides a channel for communication between the alumni and the university and supports alumni organizations and programs around the world.

Additional information may be found on the Yale and the World website (https://world.yale.edu), including resources for those conducting international activities abroad and links to international initiatives across the university.

University Resources

Keep up to date about university news and events by subscribing to the Yale Today e-newsletter (https://news.yale.edu/subscribe-enewsletter), YaleNews (http://news.yale.edu), the Yale Calendar of Events (http://calendar.yale.edu), and the university’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube channels.

The Yale Peabody Museum (https://peabody.yale.edu), founded in 1866, houses more than fourteen million specimens and objects in ten curatorial divisions. The Museum’s galleries, newly renovated in 2024, display thousands of objects, including the first Brontosaurus, Stegosaurus, and Triceratops specimens ever discovered.

The Yale University Art Gallery (https://artgallery.yale.edu) is one of the largest museums in the country, holding nearly 300,000 objects and welcoming visitors from around the world. Galleries showcase artworks from ancient times to the present, including vessels from Tang-dynasty China, early Italian paintings, textiles from Borneo, treasures of American art, masks from Western Africa, modern and contemporary art, ancient sculptures, masterworks by Degas, van Gogh, and Picasso, and more.

The Yale Center for British Art (https://britishart.yale.edu) is a museum that houses the largest collection of British art outside the United Kingdom, encompassing works in a range of media from the fifteenth century to the present.

More than five hundred musical events take place at the university during the academic year, presented by the School of Music (https://music.yale.edu/concerts), the Morris Steinert Collection of Musical Instruments (https://music.yale.edu/concerts-events-collection), and the Institute of Sacred Music (https://ism.yale.edu/events/upcoming-events), among others.

For theatergoers, Yale offers a wide range of dramatic productions at such venues as the Yale Repertory Theatre (https://yalerep.org); the University Theater and Iseman Theater (https://drama.yale.edu/productions); and Yale Cabaret (https://www. yalecabaret.org).

The religious and spiritual resources of the university serve all students, faculty, and staff of all faiths. Additional information is available at http://chaplain.yale.edu.

The Payne Whitney Gymnasium, one of the most elaborate and extensive indoor athletic facilities in the world, is open to Yale undergraduates and graduate and professional school students at no charge throughout the year. Memberships at reasonable fees are available for faculty, employees, postdocs, visiting associates, alumni, and members of the New Haven community. Additional information is available at https://sportsandrecreation.yale.edu.

During the year, various recreational opportunities are available at the David S. Ingalls Rink, the McNay Family Sailing Center in Branford, the Yale Tennis Complex, and the Yale Golf Course. All members of the Yale community and their guests may participate at each of these venues for a modest fee. Information is available at https://myrec.yale.edu.

The Yale Outdoor Education Center (OEC) in East Lyme Yale is open to students, faculty, staff, and alumni. The OEC, which consists of 1,500 acres surrounding a mile-long lake in East Lyme, Connecticut. The facility includes overnight cabins and campsites, a pavilion and dining hall available for group rental, and a waterfront area with supervised swimming, rowboats, canoes, stand-up paddleboards, and kayaks. For more information, visit https://sportsandrecreation.yale.edu/outdoor-education-center-0.

Approximately fifty club sports are offered at Yale, organized by the Office of Club Sports and Outdoor Education (https://sportsandrecreation.yale.edu/club-sports-intramural-sports/club-sports). Most of the teams are for undergraduates, but a few are available to graduate and professional school students.

Throughout the year, Yale graduate and professional school students have the opportunity to participate in numerous intramural sports activities, including volleyball, soccer, and softball in the fall; basketball and volleyball in the winter; softball, soccer, ultimate, and volleyball in the spring; and softball in the summer. With few exceptions, all academic-year graduate-professional student sports activities are scheduled on weekends, and most sports activities are open to competitive, recreational, and coeducational teams. More information is available at https://myrec.yale.edu.

Identification Cards

Yale University issues identification (ID) cards to faculty, staff, and students. ID cards support the community’s safety and security by allowing access to many parts of campus: dining halls and cafés, residential housing, libraries, athletic centers, workspaces, labs, and academic buildings. Cultivating an environment of public safety requires the entire community to work together to ensure appropriate use of our spaces, as well as to foster a sense of belonging for all members of our community.

University policies, regulations, and practice require all students, faculty, and staff to carry their Yale ID card on campus and to show it to university officials on request. Yale ID cards are not transferable. Community members are responsible for their own ID card and should report lost or stolen cards immediately to the Yale ID Center (https://idcenter.yale.edu).

Members of the university community may be asked to show identification at various points during their time at Yale. This may include but not be limited to situations such as: where individuals are entering areas with access restrictions, for identification in emergency situations, to record attendance at a particular building or event, or for other academic or work-related reasons related to the safe and effective operation and functioning of Yale’s on-campus spaces.

For some members of our community, based on the needs and culture of their program, department, and/or characteristics of their physical spaces, being asked to show an ID card is a regular, even daily, occurrence. However, for others it may be new or infrequent. For some, being asked to produce identification can be experienced negatively, as a contradiction to a sense of belonging or as an affront to dignity. Yale University is committed to enhancing diversity, supporting equity, and promoting an environment that is welcoming, inclusive, and respectful. University officials requesting that a community member show their ID card should remain mindful that the request may raise questions and should be prepared to articulate the reasons for any specific request during the encounter. In addition, individuals requesting identification should also be prepared to present their own identification, if requested.

Health Services

The Yale Health Center is located on campus at 55 Lock Street. The center is home to Yale Health, a not-for-profit, physician-led health coverage option that offers a wide variety of health care services for students and other members of the Yale community. Services include student health, gynecology, mental health, pediatrics, pharmacy, blood draw, radiology, a fifteen-bed inpatient care unit, and an acute care clinic with extended hours and telephone triage/guidance from a registered nurse twenty-four hours a day. Additional specialty services such as allergy, dermatology, orthopedics, a travel clinic, and more are available through Yale Health Hospitalization Specialty Coverage. Yale Health’s services are detailed in the Yale Health Student Handbook, available through the Yale Health Member Services Department, 203.432.0246, or online at https://yalehealth.yale.edu/coverage/student-coverage.

Eligibility for Services

All full-time Yale degree-candidate students who are paying at least half tuition are enrolled automatically for Yale Health Basic Student Health Services, which is offered at no charge and includes preventive health and medical services in the departments of Student Health, Gynecology, Student Wellness, and Mental Health & Counseling. In addition, treatment or triage for urgent medical problems can be obtained twenty-four hours a day through Acute Care.

Students on leave of absence, on extended study and paying less than half tuition, or enrolled per course credit are not eligible for Yale Health Basic Student Health Services but may enroll in Yale Health Student Affiliate Coverage. Students enrolled in the Division of Special Registration as nondegree special students or visiting scholars are not eligible for Yale Health Basic Student Health Services but may enroll in the Yale Health Billed Associates Plan and pay a monthly fee. Associates must register for a minimum of one term within the first thirty days of affiliation with the university.

Students not eligible for Yale Health Basic Student Health Services may also use the services on a fee-for-service basis. Students who wish to be seen fee-for-service must register with the Member Services Department. Enrollment applications for the Yale Health Student Affiliate Coverage, Billed Associates Plan, or Fee-for-Service Program are available from the Member Services Department.

All students who purchase Yale Health Hospitalization/Specialty Coverage (see below) are welcome to use specialty and ancillary services at Yale Health Center. Upon referral, Yale Health will cover the cost of specialty and ancillary services for these students. Students with an alternate insurance plan should seek specialty services from a provider who accepts their alternate insurance.

Health Coverage Enrollment

The university also requires all students eligible for Yale Health Basic Student Health Services to have adequate hospital insurance coverage. Students may choose Yale Health Hospitalization/Specialty Coverage or elect to waive the plan if they have other hospitalization coverage, such as coverage through a spouse or parent. The waiver must be renewed annually, and it is the student’s responsibility to confirm receipt of the waiver by the university’s deadlines noted below.

Yale Health Hospitalization/Specialty Coverage

For a detailed explanation of this plan, which includes coverage for prescriptions, see the Yale Health Student Handbook, available online at https://yalehealth.yale.edu/student-coverage.

Students are automatically enrolled and charged a fee each term on their Student Financial Services bill for Yale Health Hospitalization/Specialty Coverage. Students with no break in coverage who are enrolled during both the fall and spring terms are billed each term and are covered from August 1 through July 31. For students entering Yale for the first time, readmitted students, and students returning from a leave of absence who have not been covered during their leave, Yale Health Hospitalization/Specialty Coverage begins on the first day required to be on campus for program orientation. A student who is enrolled for the fall term only is covered for services through January 31; a student enrolled for the spring term only is covered for services through July 31.

Waiving Yale Health Hospitalization/Specialty Coverage Students are permitted to waive Yale Health Hospitalization/Specialty Coverage by completing an online waiver form at https://yhpstudentwaiver.yale.edu that demonstrates proof of alternate coverage. It is the student’s responsibility to report any changes in alternate insurance coverage to the Member Services Department within thirty days. Students are encouraged to review their present coverage and compare its benefits to those available under Yale Health. The waiver form must be filed annually and must be received by September 15 for the full year or fall term or by January 31 for the spring term only.

Revoking the waiver Students who waive Yale Health Hospitalization/Specialty Coverage but later wish to be covered must complete and send a form voiding their waiver to the Member Services Department by September 15 for the full year or fall term, or by January 31 for the spring term only. Students who wish to revoke their waiver during the term may do so, provided they show proof of loss of the alternate insurance plan and enroll within thirty days of the loss of this coverage. Yale Health fees will not be prorated.

Yale Health Student Dependent Plans

A student may enroll the student’s lawfully married spouse or civil union partner and/or legally dependent child(ren) under the age of twenty-six in one of three student dependent plans: Student + Spouse, Student + Child/Children, or Student Family Plan. These plans include services described in both Yale Health Basic Student Health Services and Yale Health Hospitalization/Specialty Coverage. Coverage is not automatic, and enrollment is by application. Applications are available from the Member Services Department or can be downloaded from the website (https://yalehealth.yale.edu/forms-and-guidelines) and must be renewed annually. Applications must be received by September 15 for full-year or fall-term coverage, or by January 31 for spring-term coverage only.

Yale Health Student Affiliate Coverage

Students on leave of absence, on extended study, or enrolled per course per credit; students paying less than half tuition; students enrolled in the EMBA program; students enrolled in the Broad Center M.M.S. program; students enrolled in the PA Online program; and students enrolled in the EMPH program may enroll in Yale Health Student Affiliate Coverage, which includes services described in both Yale Health Basic Student Health Services and Yale Health Hospitalization/Specialty Coverage. Applications are available from the Member Services Department or can be downloaded from the website (https://yalehealth.yale.edu/forms-and-guidelines) and must be received by September 15 for full-year or fall-term coverage, or by January 31 for spring-term coverage only.

Eligibility Changes

Withdrawal A student who withdraws from the university during the first fifteen days of the term will be refunded the fee paid for Yale Health Hospitalization/Specialty Coverage. The student will not be eligible for any Yale Health benefits, and the student’s Yale Health membership will be terminated retroactive to the beginning of the term. The medical record will be reviewed, and any services rendered and/or claims paid will be billed to the student on a fee-for-service basis. Assistance with identifying and locating alternative sources of medical care may be available from the Care Management Department at Yale Health. At all other times, a student who withdraws from the university will be covered by Yale Health for thirty days following the date of withdrawal. Fees will not be prorated or refunded. Students who withdraw are not eligible to enroll in Yale Health Student Affiliate Coverage. Regardless of enrollment in Yale Health Hospitalization/Specialty Coverage, students who withdraw will have access to services available under Yale Health Basic Student Health Services (including Student Health, Athletic Medicine, Mental Health & Counseling, and Care Management) during these thirty days to the extent necessary for a coordinated transition of care.

Leaves of absence Students who are granted a leave of absence are eligible to purchase Yale Health Student Affiliate Coverage for the term(s) of the leave. If the leave occurs on or before the first day of classes, Yale Health Hospitalization/Specialty Coverage will end retroactive to the start of the coverage period for the term. If the leave occurs anytime after the first day of classes, Yale Health Hospitalization/Specialty Coverage will end on the day the registrar is notified of the leave. In either case, students may enroll in Yale Health Student Affiliate Coverage. Students must enroll in Affiliate Coverage prior to the beginning of the term unless the registrar is notified after the first day of classes, in which case, the coverage must be purchased within thirty days of the date the registrar was notified. Fees paid for Yale Health Hospitalization/Specialty Coverage will be applied toward the cost of Affiliate Coverage. Coverage is not automatic, and enrollment forms are available at the Member Services Department or can be downloaded from the website (https://yalehealth.yale.edu/forms-and-guidelines). Fees will not be prorated or refunded.

Extended study or reduced tuition Students who are granted extended study status or pay less than half tuition are not eligible for Yale Health Hospitalization/Specialty Coverage. They may purchase Yale Health Student Affiliate Coverage during the term(s) of extended study. This plan includes services described in both Yale Health Basic Student Health Services and Yale Health Hospitalization/Specialty Coverage. Coverage is not automatic, and enrollment forms are available at the Member Services Department or can be downloaded from the website (https://yalehealth.yale.edu/forms-and-guidelines). Students must complete an enrollment application for the plan prior to September 15 for the full year or fall term, or by January 31 for the spring term only.

Per course per credit Students who are enrolled per course per credit are not eligible for Yale Health Hospitalization/Specialty Coverage. They may purchase Yale Health Student Affiliate Coverage during the term(s) of per course per credit enrollment. This plan includes services described in both Yale Health Basic Student Health Services and Yale Health Hospitalization/Specialty Coverage. Coverage is not automatic, and enrollment forms are available at the Member Services Department or can be downloaded from the website (https://yalehealth.yale.edu/forms-and-guidelines). Students must complete an enrollment application for the plan prior to September 15 for the full year or fall term, or by January 31 for the spring term only.

For a full description of the services and benefits provided by Yale Health, please refer to the Yale Health Student Handbook, available online at https://yalehealth.yale.edu/resource/student-handbook and from the Member Services Department, 203.432.0246, 55 Lock Street, PO Box 208237, New Haven CT 06520-8237.

Required Immunizations

Proof of vaccination is a pre-entrance requirement determined by the Connecticut State Department of Public Health. Students who are not compliant with this state regulation will not be permitted to register for classes or move into the dormitories for the fall term, 2024. Please access the Incoming Student Vaccination Record form for graduate and professional students at https://yalehealth.yale.edu/new-student-health-requirements. Connecticut state regulation requires that this form be completed and signed, for each student, by a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician’s assistant. The form must be completed, independent of any and all health insurance elections or coverage chosen. Once the form has been completed, the information must be entered into the Yale Vaccine Portal and all supporting documents must be uploaded to https://campushealth.yale.edu/welcome-to-health-on-track. The final deadline is August 1.

COVID-19 As per recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, vaccination against COVID-19 is strongly encouraged, but not required, for incoming (matriculating) students. Students are asked to submit documentation of prior any primary series vaccinations or bivalent boosters that they have received through the Yale Health website, http://yalehealth.yale.edu. Vaccination requirements remain in place for healthcare workers and trainees, including students who work in settings where patient care is provided, or those who work with human research subjects in clinical settings. Those individuals must submit documentation of vaccination with a primary series and one booster (or, for those who have not yet received a primary series, one bivalent dose of vaccine) to the university or seek approval for a medical or religious exemption. Yale will accept any combination of COVID-19 vaccines that have received full approval or Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or have been issued Emergency Use Listing (EUL) by the World Health Organization (WHO). International students who do not have access to WHO or FDA authorized or approved vaccines may be vaccinated at Yale Health on request.

Influenza All students are required to have flu vaccination in the fall when it is made available to them by Yale Health.

Measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella All students are required to provide proof of immunization against measles (rubeola), mumps, German measles (rubella), and varicella. Connecticut state regulation requires two doses MMR (combined measles, mumps, and rubella) and two doses of varicella vaccine. The first dose must have been given after the student’s first birthday; the second dose must have been given at least twenty-eight days after the first dose. If dates of vaccination are not available, titer results (blood test) demonstrating immunity may be substituted for proof of vaccination. The cost for all vaccinations and/or titers rests with the student, as these vaccinations are considered to be a pre-entrance requirement by the Connecticut State Department of Public Health. Students who are not compliant with this state regulation will not be permitted to register for classes or move into the dormitories for the fall term, 2024.

Quadrivalent meningitis All students living in on-campus dormitory facilities (all undergraduate residential colleges and the following graduate dormitories: 254 Prospect Street, 272 Elm Street, 276 Prospect Street, Baker Hall, and Edward S. Harkness Memorial Hall) must be vaccinated against meningitis. The only vaccines that will be accepted in satisfaction of the meningitis vaccination requirement are ACWY Vax, Menveo, Nimenrix, Menactra, Mencevax, and Menomune. The vaccine must have been given within five years of the first day of classes at Yale. Students who are not compliant with this state regulation will not be permitted to register for classes or move into the dormitories for the fall term, 2024. The cost for all vaccinations and/or titers rests with the student, as these vaccinations are a pre-entrance requirement by the Connecticut State Department of Public Health. Please note that the State of Connecticut does not require this vaccine for students who intend to reside on campus and are over the age of twenty-nine.

TB screening The university requires tuberculosis screening for all incoming students who have lived or traveled outside of the United States within the past year.

Hepatitis B series The university recommends that incoming students receive a series of three Hepatitis B vaccinations. Students may consult their health care provider for further information.

Student Accessibility Services



Student Accessibility Services (SAS) engages in an interactive process with Yale students, including undergraduate, graduate, and professional-school students with permanent conditions and/or temporary injuries, to determine reasonable and appropriate accommodations on a case-by-case basis. Students may initiate this process by requesting accommodations through the online accommodation request form available at https://yale-accommodate.symplicity.com/public_accommodation.

Engagement with SAS is confidential, and faculty/staff are notified of approved accommodations on a need-to-know basis only, except when required by law for health and safety reasons. Students may upload supporting documentation regarding their condition and request for accommodations with their accommodation request form. Documentation guidelines are available on the SAS website at https://sas.yale.edu/students/documentation-guidelines.

Resources to Address Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct

Yale is a community committed to fostering an environment of diversity, mutual respect, and intellectual discovery in which all members of the community can thrive. Acts of discrimination and harassment are contrary to the community standards and ideals of our university. Staff in the following offices work within the Yale community to promote respect, inclusivity, diversity, and equal opportunity, and are available to talk through situations you have witnessed or experienced, as well as to provide guidance.

When you have concerns or questions related to discrimination or harassment, you have a wide range of choices for support. You can reach out to a discrimination and harassment resource coordinator, or you can talk with others, such as a residential college dean, dean of student affairs, or the Office of Institutional Equity and Accessibility.

If you’d like to talk with someone about sexual misconduct or sex-based discrimination, you can reach out directly to the deputy Title IX coordinator of your school or the Title IX Office. The Title IX website (https://titleix.yale.edu) is a helpful resource for additional questions or concerns about sex-based discrimination or sexual misconduct. If an individual is unsure of which resource to contact and wants to explore options for addressing sexual misconduct, the SHARE Center is a good place to start.

Discrimination and Harassment Resource Coordinators

Office hours: 9 a.m.–5 p.m., M–F


Discrimination and harassment resource coordinators (formerly deans’ designees) have been identified by the dean of each college and school as community members with the responsibility to receive concerns and offer advice and guidance related to diversity and inclusion, discrimination and harassment, and equal opportunity. Discrimination and harassment resource coordinators may also help facilitate informal resolution. This may be an individual’s best “first stop” in discussing a concern related to discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, particularly as discrimination and harassment resource coordinators will be knowledgeable about resources specific to their school or college.

Office of Institutional Equity and Accessibility

Office hours: 9 a.m.–5 p.m., M–F



Any individual who would like to report a concern of discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation may contact the Office of Institutional Equity and Accessibility (OIEA). OIEA staff are available to discuss concerns, university resources, and options for resolution, including informal resolution. Where appropriate, OIEA staff are also available to conduct investigations into complaints of discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation. Talking with someone at OIEA about a concern or making a complaint does not automatically launch an investigation. It can, however, be an important step to alerting the university about a concern and getting assistance to resolve it.

SHARE: Information, Advocacy, and Support

55 Lock Street, Lower Level

Appointments: 9 a.m.–5 p.m., M–F

24/7 on-call service (for time-sensitive matters): 203.432.2000


SHARE, the Sexual Harassment and Assault Response and Education Center, has trained counselors available to members of the Yale community who wish to discuss any current or past experience of sexual misconduct involving themselves or someone they care about. SHARE services are confidential and can be anonymous if desired. SHARE can provide professional help with medical and health issues (including accompanying individuals to the hospital or the police), as well as ongoing counseling and support for students. SHARE works closely with the University-Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct, the Title IX Office, the Yale Police Department, and other campus resources and can provide assistance with initiating a complaint.

If you wish to make use of SHARE’s services, you can call the SHARE number (203.432.2000) at any time for a phone consultation or to set up an in-person appointment. Some legal and medical options are time-sensitive, so if you have experienced an assault, we encourage you to call SHARE and/or the Yale Police as soon as possible.

Title IX Coordinators

Office hours: 9 a.m.–5 p.m., M–F



Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 protects people from sex discrimination in educational programs and activities at institutions that receive federal financial assistance. Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, and other forms of sexual misconduct. The university is committed to providing an environment free from discrimination on the basis of sex or gender.

Yale College, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and the professional schools have each designated one or more deputy Title IX coordinators, who work closely with the university Title IX Office and university Title IX Coordinator Elizabeth Conklin. Coordinators respond to and address concerns, provide information on available resources and options, track and monitor incidents to identify patterns or systemic issues, deliver prevention and educational programming, and address issues relating to gender-based discrimination and sexual misconduct within their respective schools. Coordinators also work with pregnant and parenting individuals to coordinate needed accommodations and to respond to instances of discrimination. Discussions with a deputy Title IX coordinator are private and information is only shared with other university officials on a need-to-know basis. In the case of imminent threat to an individual or the community, the coordinator may need to consult with other administrators or take action in the interest of safety. The coordinators also work closely with the SHARE Center, the University-Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct, and the Yale Police Department.

University-Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct

Office hours: 9 a.m.–5 p.m., M–F



The University-Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct (UWC) is an internal disciplinary board for complaints of sexual misconduct available to students, faculty, and staff across the university, as described in the committee’s procedures. The UWC provides an accessible, representative, and trained body to fairly and expeditiously address formal complaints of sexual misconduct. UWC members can answer inquiries about procedures and the university sexual misconduct policy. The UWC is composed of faculty, senior administrators, and graduate and professional students drawn from throughout the university. UWC members are trained to observe strict confidentiality with respect to all information they receive about a case.

Yale Police Department

101 Ashmun Street

24/7 hotline: 203.432.4400


The Yale Police Department (YPD) operates 24/7 and is comprised of highly trained, professional officers. The YPD can provide information on available victims’ assistance services and also has the capacity to perform full criminal investigations. If you wish to speak with the sensitive crimes and support coordinator, they can be reached at 203.432.9547. Informational sessions are available with the sensitive crimes and support coordinator to discuss safety planning, available options, etc. The YPD works closely with the New Haven State’s Attorney, the SHARE Center, the Title IX Office, and various other departments within the university. Talking to the YPD does not commit you to submitting evidence or pressing charges; with few exceptions, all decisions about how to proceed are up to you.

Office of International Students and Scholars



The Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS) coordinates services and support for more than 6,300 international students, faculty, staff, and their dependents at Yale. OISS assists international students and scholars with issues related to employment, immigration, personal and cultural adjustment, and serves as a source of general information about living at Yale and in New Haven. As Yale University’s representative for immigration concerns, OISS helps students and scholars obtain and maintain legal nonimmigrant status in the United States.

OISS programs, like daily English conversation groups, the Understanding America series, DEIB workshops, bus trips, and social events, provide an opportunity to meet members of Yale’s international community and become acquainted with the many resources of Yale University and New Haven. Spouses and partners of Yale students and scholars will want to get involved with the International Spouses and Partners at Yale (ISPY) community, which organizes a variety of programs and events.

The OISS website provides useful information to students and scholars prior to and upon arrival in New Haven, as well as throughout their stay at Yale. International students, scholars, and their families and partners can connect with OISS and the Yale international community virtually through Yale Connect, Facebook, and Instagram.

OISS is a welcoming venue for students and scholars who want to check their email, grab a cup of coffee, and meet up with a friend or colleague. The International Center is OISS’s home on Yale campus and is located at 421 Temple Street. The International Center provides meeting space for student groups and a venue for events organized by both student groups and university departments. For more information about our hours, directions, and how to reserve space at OISS, please visit https://oiss.yale.edu/about/hours-directions-parking.