School of Art
Bulletin of Yale University
Series 115 Number 1 May 25, 2019
BULLETIN OF YALE UNIVERSITY (USPS 078-500) is published seventeen times a year (one time in May and October; three times in June and September; four times in July; five times in August) by Yale University, 2 Whitney Avenue, New Haven CT 06510. Periodicals postage paid at New Haven, Connecticut.
Bulletin of Yale University,
PO Box 208227, New Haven CT 06520-8227
Managing Editor: Kimberly M. Goff-Crews
Editor: Lesley K. Baier
The closing date for material in this bulletin was May 10, 2019.
The University reserves the right to withdraw or modify the courses of instruction or to change the instructors at any time.
©2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved. The material in this bulletin may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form, whether in print or electronic media, without written permission from Yale University.
Questions regarding the editorial content of this publication may be referred to Taryn Wolf, Director of Academic Administration, Yale School of Art.
All inquiries regarding admission to graduate programs in art should be addressed to the Office of Academic Administration, Yale School of Art, 1156 Chapel Street, PO Box 208339, New Haven CT 06520-8339; telephone, 203.432.2600; e-mail,
The School of Art Bulletin is primarily a digital publication, available in HTML and pdf at A limited number of copies were printed on 50% postconsumer recycled paper for the School of Art and the permanent archive of the Bulletin of Yale University. Individual copies may also be purchased on a print-on-demand basis; please contact Yale Printing and Publishing Services, 203.432.6560.