The status of students at the Yale School of Management is governed by all applicable Yale policies. This chapter includes some of the most important among those policies.
Academic Freedom
The Yale School of Management is committed to the protection of free inquiry and expression in the classroom and throughout the school community. In this, the school reflects the university’s commitment to freedom of expression as eloquently stated in the Woodward Report (Report of the Committee on Freedom of Expression at Yale, 1975), which states, in part:
The primary function of a university is to discover and disseminate knowledge by means of research and teaching. To fulfill this function a free interchange of ideas is necessary not only within its walls but with the world beyond as well. It follows that the university must do everything possible to ensure within it the fullest degree of intellectual freedom. The history of intellectual growth and discovery clearly demonstrates the need for unfettered freedom, the right to think the unthinkable, discuss the unmentionable, and challenge the unchallengeable. To curtail free expression strikes twice at intellectual freedom, for whoever deprives another of the right to state unpopular views necessarily also deprives others of the right to listen to those views.…
For if a university is a place for knowledge, it is also a special kind of small society. Yet it is not primarily a fellowship, a club, a circle of friends, a replica of the civil society outside it. Without sacrificing its central purpose, it cannot make its primary and dominant value the fostering of friendship, solidarity, harmony, civility, or mutual respect. To be sure, these are important values; other institutions may properly assign them the highest, and not merely a subordinate priority; and a good university will seek and may in some significant measure attain these ends. But it will never let these values, important as they are, override its central purpose. We value freedom of expression precisely because it provides a forum for the new, the provocative, the disturbing, and the unorthodox. Free speech is a barrier to the tyranny of authoritarian or even majority opinion as to the rightness or wrongness of particular doctrines or thoughts.…
In addition to the university’s primary obligation to protect free expression there are also ethical responsibilities assumed by each member of the university community, along with the right to enjoy free expression. Though these are much more difficult to state clearly, they are of great importance. If freedom of expression is to serve its purpose, and thus the purpose of the university, it should seek to enhance understanding. Shock, hurt, and anger are not consequences to be weighed lightly. No member of the community with a decent respect for others should use, or encourage others to use, slurs and epithets intended to discredit another’s race, ethnic group, religion, or sex. It may sometimes be necessary in a university for civility and mutual respect to be superseded by the need to guarantee free expression. The values superseded are nevertheless important, and every member of the university community should consider them in exercising the fundamental right to free expression.
For the full report, see
The Yale SOM Honor Code
Guiding Principles
Honesty is fundamental to the profession and practice of management. It is therefore the bedrock premise of management education at Yale. To the community of students, faculty, and staff of the Yale School of Management, honesty and integrity build the trust essential to a free and lively exchange of ideas.
The Yale SOM Honor Code is intended to foster the school’s exceptional learning environment and to support conduct that will distinguish the faculty, staff, and students in their lives as managers, at school, at school-related functions, and in the larger management community. The Honor Code will be referred to as the “Code” hereafter.
The Honor Committee has jurisdiction over all Code violations including matters of academic dishonesty and egregious violations of the social and professional norms of behavior.
Academic Integrity
The Yale SOM community, including faculty, staff, and students, supports the highest standards of academic integrity. All academic work affords an unparalleled opportunity to put forward new and innovative ideas; at SOM, we aspire to always acknowledge the ideas upon which new solutions are based.
When working on any assignment with a team, students must clarify the expectations for each member of the team. Faculty will provide clear guidelines for students on the parameters of any group work. A student will contact the professor for clarification if there is a question about the way in which the group work is to be completed.
Students will familiarize themselves with the standards of proper citation via print and online resources, available on the SOM internal website.
Community Standards
Every member of the Yale SOM community—students, faculty, staff, and alumni (hereafter collectively referred to as “community members”)—plays an integral role in carrying out the school’s mission to educate leaders for business and society. Our standards of professional behavior, on and off campus, advance Yale SOM’s progress in this regard and seek to strengthen our entire community.
A hallmark of the SOM community is its inclusivity, which respects, values, and celebrates the diverse backgrounds and views of community members. Community members aspire to standards of conduct while at Yale, and as they function in the larger management community, that will further distinguish SOM as a center of integrity and fair dealing.
Students must uphold the highest standards of professional behavior, among community members as well as with prospective employers and all other constituents of Yale. This standard includes promoting and holding others accountable to maintain a culture of active inclusion, respect, and integrity.
The SOM community’s commitment to professional and ethical excellence extends into interpersonal interactions among community members. As a community, we are committed to equitable opportunity in all aspects of student and academic life.
All forms of discrimination fall outside the bounds of expected behavior.
Each member of the community is expected to uphold these values for all other community members.
Students must remember that they represent the school in all of their actions as they take part in activities in the university, New Haven, and the larger management community.
Procedures of the Honor Committee
Composition and Charge
The Honor Committee considers instances of academic infractions and other serious violations by Yale SOM students against the SOM and university communities and their guests. The committee is responsible for collecting facts pertaining to such infractions and violations, making judgments about them, and determining punishment where appropriate. In addition, the committee reviews and proposes revisions in SOM discipline policy and procedures where needed and communicates its policies and actions to the community at large.
When a complaint of Honor Code violation concerns conduct or expression that is protected by a university policy (e.g., the Policy on Freedom of Expression, found at, the Honor Committee will not hear the complaint.
Suspected cases of cheating or other violations of honor code standards should be reported to the chair of the SOM Honor Committee or the administrative director of the relevant degree program, i.e., for cases involving students in the M.B.A., M.A.M., and M.M.S. programs, the dean of students; or for cases involving students in the M.B.A. for Executives program, the assistant dean for the M.B.A. for Executives program. A list of the members of the Honor Committee is available on the SOM internal website.
The committee is appointed by the deputy dean for academic programs. It consists of four faculty members (one of whom shall be designated chair), six SOM students (three from each class in residence, unless modified as under the Process section below), and the dean of students (who shall act as secretary to the committee and shall be nonvoting). The student members will typically serve for two academic years.
The committee will collect the facts relevant to each complaint under consideration and make judgments on whether an infraction or violation has been committed and on its seriousness to the community. Based on these judgments, the committee will choose a punishment that it deems appropriate to the offense. It shall also inform the community of its actions via the school’s electronic newsletter or other channels it deems appropriate in such a manner as to protect the identity of individuals who are the recipient of punishments.
Although deviations may be taken by the chair when appropriate to a given case, the following steps are customary:
- The work of the committee normally begins when a member of the university community (faculty, student, or staff) brings a probable violation or infraction to the attention of the committee chair. The chair or the chair’s designee then requests a written statement and copies of any other relevant materials pertinent to the complaint.
- Based on these materials, the chair will decide whether the offense, if the charge is true, would be of sufficient seriousness to warrant the attention of the committee. If the complaint is deemed sufficiently serious, the chair or the chair’s designee shall inform the student who is the subject of the complaint. At the same time, the student will be directed to review the Committee Policies and Procedures to apprise the student of the rights: (a) to appear before the committee, (b) to be accompanied by any member of the university community to act as the student’s adviser,* (c) to examine any and all written materials being provided to the committee as soon as possible, and ordinarily at least forty-eight hours in advance of the meeting, so that the student may have ample opportunity to question or refute them. At the beginning of a meeting with a student who is the subject of a complaint, the chair will review the Procedures of the Committee and the process to be followed in meetings with the committee.
The committee chair can do any of the following when a case is brought forward:
- Dismiss the case for lack of evidence or insufficient seriousness
- Send the case to a subcommittee
- Send the case to the full committee
The subcommittee consists of the committee chair (or another faculty member on the Honor Committee designated by the chair) plus one first-year Yale SOM student and one second-year Yale SOM student, chosen from the full committee. If the accused student is in the M.A.M., M.M.S., or M.B.A. for Executives program, then, whenever it is possible without delaying the scheduling of the hearing, one of the student members of the subcommittee must be from the respective program. The subcommittee is empowered to take the following actions:
- Exoneration
- Warning (verbal or written)
- Probation
- Mandatory F in course (for academic infractions)
- Send the case to the full committee
The accused student may appeal any decision from the subcommittee to the full committee. The student must make the appeal to the committee chair within five working days of the subcommittee’s decision.
The full committee consists of three first-year Yale SOM students, three second-year Yale SOM students, and at least four faculty members. If the accused student is in the M.A.M., M.M.S., or M.B.A. for Executives program, then, whenever it is possible without delaying the scheduling of the hearing, at least one of the student members must be from the respective program. The full committee is empowered to take the following actions and may impose other sanctions of intermediate severity:
- Exoneration
- Warning (verbal or written)
- Probation
- Mandatory F in course (for academic infractions)
- Suspension of one or more terms + mandatory F in course
- Expulsion, a permanent separation from Yale SOM
The appeal of the subcommittee decision to the full committee can result in a sanction more severe than the one originally imposed.
*Role of the adviser: In the SOM disciplinary process, the student’s adviser is not an advocate, but rather a source of support to the student. The adviser may help the student in preparing for the meeting with the Honor Committee and may accompany the student to the meeting. During the meeting, the adviser may quietly suggest questions or issues for the student to raise with the committee; the adviser does not participate directly in the meeting.
- The committee will endeavor to conduct its business in such a way as to protect the privacy of all individuals who are involved with the case. In addition, it will seek to make its judgments as promptly as is consistent with the need to establish the facts of the case and to come to judgments based on these facts.
- The subcommittee and the full committee will seek to make decisions by consensus. When consensus is impossible, a majority vote will be taken. No decision shall be made without a quorum of committee members (defined as at least two faculty members and three students for the full committee and all members of the subcommittee).
- A penalty of expulsion will appear on a student’s transcript. Correspondence related to any disciplinary penalty will remain in a student’s internal Yale SOM file and in the files of the Honor Committee. Penalties of suspension for a full semester or longer will also appear on a student’s transcript. Upon completion of the suspension, the student may request that the suspension notation be removed from the transcript. A penalty of a full- or partial-term suspension will be reported to an outside agency or individual when a student makes a written request for release of file information to that agency or individual. A penalty of probation will be reported under the same circumstances for a period of time the student is enrolled and will not be released after the student has graduated. Information about warnings will not be released. To provide for some consistency in reactions to offenses year by year, the committee chair shall study the files and inform the committee (ordinarily before the first case of the year is heard) of punishments meted out in certain classes of cases in prior years. Penalties should be set based upon the severity of the infraction, rather than the impact of such penalty on the student’s personal situation.
- The committee chair will inform those against whom complaints have been made of the decisions within twenty-four hours of the committee’s decision.
- At the beginning of the investigation, the chair will inform the subcommittee or full committee members of the individual(s) involved in a case. Committee members will be invited to excuse themselves from the case if there is a conflict of interest. If a committee member is excused and a quorum cannot be met, the chair will recommend to the deputy dean for academic programs a successor for temporary appointment to the committee for participation in the matter. At the beginning of the investigation, the chair will inform the student whose conduct is in question of the procedures that will be followed and will notify the student of the membership of the committee. Within one day after receiving that notification, the student may object that a member is prejudiced by stating in writing the basis for this objection. On receipt of this objection, the chair will rule on whether the member should be recused from taking part in the proceedings and, if this is done and a quorum cannot be met, will recommend to the deputy dean for academic programs a successor for temporary appointment to the committee for participation in the matter. A decision of the chair not to recuse the challenged member will be communicated to the student, who may within one day after receiving the notice appeal the decision to the cognizant academic dean of the relevant academic program. The cognizant academic dean’s decision to deny or grant the appeal of a conflict of interest will be final.
- At the time the committee informs the student of its decision, it shall also inform the cognizant academic dean.
- The cognizant academic dean will offer any student against whom an infraction or violation is found the opportunity to meet with the cognizant academic dean, as promptly as the dean’s schedule may permit, to raise any objections to the proceedings on the grounds of procedural irregularity or prejudice. If objection is raised, the cognizant academic dean will investigate the objection and may remand the matter to the committee to correct the procedural irregularity or to re-deliberate after disqualifying the member or members found to be prejudiced. A decision of the cognizant academic dean that the proceedings were not irregular or that there is insufficient evidence of prejudice will be final.
- The accused student can appeal the severity of the penalty, but not the findings, from the full committee to the Faculty Review Board, which consists of the cognizant academic dean of the relevant academic program and two faculty members who were not part of the full committee. The student must make the appeal in writing to the cognizant academic dean within five working days of the full committee’s decision.
General dissatisfaction with the committee’s decision does not constitute a basis of appeal. The committee chair may submit a written or oral explanation of the committee’s decision to the Faculty Review Board. The student’s written request and supporting materials will be made available to the Review Board, but the student will not be permitted to attend the Review Board meeting. The Review Board’s role in the appeal will be to judge the appropriateness of the punishment assessed by the committee, assuming the correctness of the committee’s finding of a violation. The appeal of the full committee decision to the Faculty Review Board can result in a sanction more severe than the one originally imposed. The decision of the Faculty Review Board is final and not subject to further appeal within the university.
- The ex officio member of the committee (the dean of students) helps steer the case through the process and attends all meetings of the subcommittees and the full committee and the Faculty Review Board.
Records and Files
Records of committee meetings about particular cases will be kept by the dean of students, who will act as secretary to the committee. These records will be kept in a confidential file. Only the deputy dean for academic programs, the cognizant academic dean, the dean of students, and the current chair of the Honor Committee shall have access to them. The cognizant academic dean and the chair will be responsible for passing committee files to the dean of students to ensure the completeness of the committee files kept in the office of the dean of students.
For each term, the secretary to the committee shall prepare a document entitled “Actions of the Honor Committee Academic Year: 20__ to 20__,” summarizing each case in which the committee saw fit to assess any form of punishment. Each summary shall include a description of the offense and the punishment assessed. These summaries shall not identify the students involved and so far as possible avoid contextual information that would reveal or encourage speculation about the identity of individual students. Honor Committee reports will be posted at the end of the academic year and at the beginning of the fall and spring terms.
Academic Grounds for Dismissal
Failure to meet the quality standard for each degree program results in dismissal from the respective program. The quality standard for each program is described in the section for the specific program. The decision of dismissal is subject to appeal before the Faculty Review Board. The appeal process is described below.
Review Process
The registrar conducts a review of the academic progress of all M.B.A., M.A.M., and M.M.S. students at the end of each academic term. Students whose academic record is of concern are required to attend a mandatory meeting with the Academic Standards Committee. Administrative directors will notify all students who are referred to the Academic Standards Committee, making every reasonable effort to provide at least twenty-four hours’ notice before the student is to meet with the committee. The student may present to the committee, either orally or in writing, any information that the student believes is relevant.
The Academic Standards Committee
The Academic Standards Committee is composed of faculty members who are appointed by the deputy dean for academic programs. The membership of the committee is public and is disclosed upon request. For cases involving students in the M.B.A., M.A.M., or M.M.S. programs, that program’s assistant dean for admissions and dean of students serve as members ex officio. For cases involving M.B.A. for Executives students, the committee consists of the cognizant academic dean, the assistant dean for the M.B.A. for Executives program, and one ad hoc faculty member.
The committee’s primary purpose is to review cases and to provide counsel to students in academic difficulty. In addition, the committee serves as a faculty committee of review for exceptions to academic rules and for proposed changes to academic rules and/or policies.
Appeal of Academic Dismissal
A student who is dismissed for failure to meet the quality standard may appeal by written petition to the cognizant academic dean of the relevant academic program. An appeal must be filed within two weeks (ten working days) from the date of the letter notifying the student of the dismissal. The cognizant academic dean will refer the appeal to the Faculty Review Board. The Faculty Review Board, chaired by the cognizant academic dean, consists of the cognizant academic dean and two senior faculty members. The assistant dean of the program serves as a member ex officio of the Review Board.
In support of the appeal, the student should present any relevant information, including documentation of extenuating personal circumstances and other compelling facts relevant to the appeal. The Faculty Review Board is the highest level of appeal for all academic and disciplinary actions handled within Yale School of Management; its decision on a student’s appeal is final. Therefore, the appellant student must present all relevant information prior to the scheduled date of the Review Board’s deliberation of the appeal.
The Review Board will reach a final decision as soon as practically possible. A student who has been dismissed and has exhausted the appeal process cannot be readmitted except through the normal admission process.
Emergency Suspension
The dean of the School of Management, or a delegate of the dean, may place a student on an emergency suspension from residence or academic status when (1) the student has been arrested for or charged with serious criminal behavior by law enforcement authorities; or (2) the student allegedly violated a disciplinary rule of the School of Management and the student’s presence on campus poses a significant risk to the safety or security of members of the community.
Following an individualized risk and safety analysis, the student will be notified in writing of the emergency suspension. A student who is notified of an emergency suspension will have twenty-four hours to respond to the notice. The emergency suspension will not be imposed prior to an opportunity for the student to respond unless circumstances warrant immediate action for the safety and security of members of the community. In such cases, the student will have an opportunity to respond after the emergency suspension has been imposed.
When a student in the School of Management is placed on an emergency suspension, the matter will be referred for disciplinary action in accordance with school policy. Such a suspension may remain in effect until disciplinary action has been taken with regard to the student; however, it may be lifted earlier by action of the dean or dean’s delegate, or by the disciplinary committee after a preliminary review.
Policy on Satisfactory Academic Progress and Program Completion for Title IV Funds (Federal Student Aid)
Federal regulations require institutions to monitor each student’s progress toward earning a degree within the maximum time frame permitted for the student’s degree or course of study. Failure to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) jeopardizes a student’s eligibility to receive federal financial aid.
Academic Standard All students must maintain the relevant quality standard for the degree program in which they are enrolled. Further information on the quality standard by program can be found in the relevant Degree Program chapter.
Maximum Timeframe The maximum allowable timeframe for receiving aid is equal to 150 percent of the length of the academic program. All required course work for the M.B.A. or EMBA programs must be completed within seven years of the date of matriculation. For M.A.M. and M.M.S. degree program students, all course work must be completed within six years. If the degree program has not been completed the relevant timeframe, the student will be dismissed from the program.
Pace Students must complete at least 67 percent of credit hours attempted each term to remain compliant with SAP policy. Credit hour progression will be based on a cumulative total of attempted hours to earned hours. If a student fails a course and remediates it, the first enrollment will be considered an incomplete attempt, and any future enrollment in the course will be considered a separate course attempt.
The registrar conducts a review of the academic progress of all M.B.A., M.A.M., and M.M.S. students at the end of each academic term. Students whose academic record is of concern are required to attend a mandatory meeting with the Academic Standards Committee. If, as a result of the committee process, a student is academically dismissed but subsequently successful in their appeal to continue the program, the Financial Aid Office will place the student on “financial-aid probation” until the end of the next year and may receive financial aid during that year. Students on financial-aid probation who fail to meet the benchmarks of their individual plans on time will not be eligible for financial aid for the subsequent academic term. Students who are ineligible for financial aid may reestablish eligibility in future terms by meeting SAP. Further information on appeals of academic dismissal can be found in the Rights and Responsibilities of Students chapter.
Academic Policies for Residential Master’s Degree Programs
The Yale School of Management has rigorous academic standards, designed to help students develop the depth of knowledge and understanding that they will need to be successful leaders. Classroom work is challenging and requires a substantial commitment in time and energy.
The school provides extensive resources to assist students in making the transition to management course work and improving their work in areas of difficulty. Students who fail to maintain the Quality Standard for their degree programs may be dismissed, subject to appeal, from the program.
Students are expected to attend classes regularly, be on time, and be prepared to contribute to class discussion. If religious observance, illness, or a personal emergency will prevent a student from attending a class, the Academic Affairs and Student Life office should be notified in advance whenever possible. If the circumstances make advance notice impossible, the student should notify the Academic Affairs and Student Life office as soon as possible after the missed class. Such notification must be given within a week of the absence. The student must make arrangements with a classmate to get notes and copies of class handouts.
Students are responsible for all missed course content, assignments, lecture notes, handouts, and other course materials. The due dates of assignments will not routinely be extended even in situations where an absence may be excused. In cases of absence due to a prolonged medical or personal emergency that makes the completion of course work impracticable, or in acute medical or personal emergencies that preclude turning in a completed assignment, students should contact the instructor and dean of students to discuss a reasonable extension of the assignment due date. Assignment extension requests will not be granted in cases where an absence was not excused.
If a student will be out of class for an extended period due to a personal or family emergency or because of illness or a medical issue, the student must first contact the dean of students.
If any circumstance will cause a student to miss more than two weeks of classes within a single term, the student will be directed to take a leave of absence for the term. Students facing a situation that may result in missing more than two weeks of classes should contact the dean of students. See the chapter General Information for more information on Leaves of Absence.
Electronic Devices Policy
Using cell phones, browsing the Internet, or reading email during class distracts the instructor and classmates and interrupts the learning experience. Cell phones and other electronic devices are to be turned off during class. Laptops and tablets are not to be used in the classroom unless explicitly permitted by the instructor.
Students are expected to take all exams at the scheduled time. Exams may be rescheduled with advance permission of the dean of students only in exceptional circumstances such as a religious observance, incapacitating illness, or serious family emergency. Travel arrangements, mild illness, recruiting activity, case competitions, conferences, and any other avoidable conflicts are not acceptable reasons to change an exam time.
If there is a need to change the date or time of an exam, the student is to contact the dean of students before the scheduled exam begins. In case of illness, the student will be required to provide written confirmation from a health care professional on the staff of Yale Health. An alternate exam date will be determined by the dean of students in consultation with the instructor.
Incomplete Course Work
Students are expected to complete all assignments by the deadlines established by the instructor. Marks of Incomplete are rarely approved, and only in cases where incapacitating illness or serious family emergency prevents the student from completing class work on time. A student who anticipates a problem should contact the dean of students before the last day of class. If the dean of students approves an Incomplete, the mark must be converted to a grade no later than sixty days after the date on which grades for the term are due. If no grade has been received by that date, a grade of Fail will be recorded unless an extension is granted by the dean of students.
Student Records
A permanent file is created for each student upon admission to Yale SOM. This file contains the student’s application materials, acceptance letter, and registration forms, as well as copies of any additional correspondence with the student. Access to this file is governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). When a student graduates, the student’s file is transferred to the Yale University Archives for permanent storage. A $15 fee will be charged if an alumnus/a requests student record retrieval from permanent storage.
Access to Records
Official student records for currently enrolled students are housed in the Registrar’s Office. Under FERPA, student records are accessible to faculty members, deans, and staff members who have a legitimate educational interest in reviewing the records. Students have automatic access to all parts of their own records except confidential recommendations submitted as part of the application for admission.
The following personal information may be released to the public unless a student requests otherwise: name, address, telephone number, dates of attendance, and degrees received. Any student may request that this information be treated confidentially.
Student transcripts are maintained permanently in the registrar’s office. From time to time, students may need to supply the official transcript to a potential employer or another third party. An official copy of a Yale SOM transcript will be released only with authorization from the student or alumnus/a through the university registrar’s transcript request systems described here at
Course Policies for Residential Master’s Degree Programs
Elective Courses
Students register for fall-term Yale SOM elective courses during the summer, and for spring-term SOM elective courses late in the fall term. Students are permitted to rearrange their elective course selections during an Add/Drop period at the beginning of each term. Students will have one week at the start of the term to add and drop courses. After the Add/Drop period, students may not change their course schedule except by completing a Late Add/Drop Form, which requires the approval of the registrar; dropping a course after the Add/Drop period also requires permission of the instructor. In addition, a late fee of $25 per transaction will be charged to the student making approved schedule changes after the deadline. No course may be dropped after half the class sessions for a course have been held.
Students may not be enrolled in courses that overlap in time with one another. At the end of the Add/Drop period, all students with course conflicts will be removed from one of the overlapping courses by the SOM registrar.
Students who obtain late enrollment in a course (either via the course auction or through Add/Drop) must attend all course sessions at the start of the term before their enrollment is finalized. Failure to do so may disqualify them from enrolling.
If a student is enrolled in a course at the end of the Add/Drop period, but does not complete the work of the course and does not receive the appropriate permission either to drop the course or to receive an Incomplete (see Incomplete Course Work, above), a grade of Fail will be recorded. No student may receive credit for a course that the student has previously audited.
Students wishing to enroll in more than 24 units of courses per term must obtain approval from the dean of students.
Independent Reading and Research
This course provides an opportunity for students and faculty to work together on projects of mutual interest outside the structure of normal courses. Each independent project must have a sponsor who is a member of the Yale full-time faculty. Students must submit a Petition for Independent Study that includes the project proposal and the faculty sponsor’s signature. The proposal must indicate the means by which the student’s performance is to be evaluated (e.g., weekly assignments, final paper, etc.), as well as the scope of the project. A project will be assigned a course number of MGT 690 and can be worth up to 4 units. No more than 4 units of Independent Reading and Research may be undertaken in a term without the permission of the dean of students. The dean of students must also approve the project before the course is entered on the student’s record. Forms are due within the first two weeks of the term in which the project will take place. Late add or drop fees will apply for changes made after this date. Petition forms are available on the SOM internal website and from the registrar.
Non-SOM Courses
Yale SOM students who take courses offered by another school at Yale University must comply with any enrollment procedures, restrictions, deadlines, and/or fees imposed by the school offering the course. In addition, the student must file the appropriate forms in the School of Management, as described below.
Students wishing to enroll in a course in Yale College, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, or one of the other professional schools at Yale must receive permission from the course instructor. Enrollment in a Law School course also requires authorization from the registrar of the Law School. Once the appropriate permissions have been obtained, the student should add the course online using the SOM Late Add/Drop Form.
Students may receive credit toward Yale SOM degrees for Yale College courses only if such credit has been authorized in advance by the dean of students. Petition forms for requesting credit for undergraduate courses are available on the SOM internal website or from Academic Affairs and Student Life. The course will not be posted on the student’s record until credit has been authorized.
In some schools, students may be offered the individual option of taking a course on a Pass/Fail or Credit/D/Fail basis. SOM students are not permitted to elect such an option.
Students are not permitted to enroll in courses outside Yale University. Furthermore, with the exception of approved courses taken as part of the International Exchange, no credit will be given by the school for any course taken outside Yale University.
The credit to be awarded for courses offered by Yale College, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, or one of the other professional schools at Yale will be determined by the registrar, in consultation with the dean of students. Courses offered by Yale College and the graduate school typically carry 4 units of credit at SOM. Enrollment in an undergraduate course for SOM degree credit typically requires additional work for the course.
Students may, with the permission of the instructor, audit Yale SOM elective courses or courses in another school in Yale University. The normal expectation for auditors is attending all class meetings; instructors may set additional conditions. Audited classes will appear on the transcript only if the instructor certifies that the conditions for auditing have been met. Auditing of SOM core courses is not permitted. No student may take for credit a course that the student has previously audited.
Any person who is not a degree candidate at Yale University and who wishes to audit a Yale SOM course must obtain written permission from the SOM faculty member teaching the course and the dean of students. SOM does not issue transcripts for courses audited under this arrangement. The charge for non-Yale students to audit a course is one-ninth of the SOM tuition for the year.
Course Evaluations
At the end of each course, students are asked to evaluate the course and instructor. The course evaluation results are given to the instructor, relevant department chairs, dean of students, deputy dean for academic programs, and dean of the school, and the aggregate results are available for review on the SOM internal website after the grades have been submitted.
Community Policies
Policies Related to Sexual Misconduct
Yale University is committed to maintaining and strengthening an educational, employment, and living environment founded on civility and mutual respect. Sexual misconduct is antithetical to the standards and ideals of our community, and it is a violation of Yale policy and the disciplinary regulations of Yale College and the graduate and professional schools. See the section Resources to Address Discrimination and Harassment Concerns, Including Sexual Misconduct in the chapter Yale University Resources and Services for additional information.
Student Workers
Students who are employed by any Yale SOM department are “student workers” and subject to this policy. Student workers include teaching assistants, research assistants, tutors, second-year advisers, CDO career advisers, admissions interviewers, and International Experience course assistants, among others. No student may serve as a teaching assistant for any course in which the student is enrolled for credit. No student may serve as a tutor for a course in which the student is a teaching assistant.
Student workers are permitted to work up to twenty hours per week during an academic term. This weekly maximum applies to total hours worked in any combination of student worker roles and positions at Yale and is suspended during academic recess periods. First-year students are discouraged from working while completing the core curriculum. First-year students in academic difficulty who have been seen by the Academic Standards Committee are not eligible to be employed by SOM during the first year of study.
Course Recording
If the observance of a major religious holiday will prevent a student from attending class, the student should inform the instructor and Academic Affairs and Student Life in advance. In the case of an extended absence due to a medical or personal emergency, the student should inform the instructor and Academic Affairs and Student Life in advance if possible. Students missing class for these reasons may request to have core courses recorded. Requests for recording should be made to Academic Affairs and Student Life at least two weeks before a scheduled religious holiday, or as soon as possible in the case of a medical or personal emergency. That office will review the request to decide if the course should be recorded, contact the course instructor to obtain permission for recording, and arrange for the recording. Please note that, even in cases of medical or personal emergency, Academic Affairs and Student Life may not be able to accommodate requests received with less than two weeks’ advance notice.
Requests for recording classes missed for other reasons, including illness, job interviews, or other personal or professional commitments, will not be accepted. Core courses will be recorded only if the instructor grants permission for video or audio recording. Extracurricular events cannot be recorded at student request.
Students missing class for any reason are responsible for obtaining notes or handouts from a classmate and for checking the course website for any relevant postings.
Policy on Use of Photographic and Video Images and Audio Recordings
Photographs may be taken and video or audio recordings made by Yale SOM staff or other authorized members of the Yale SOM or university community during Yale SOM and Yale University events and activities (including class sessions). By attending and/or participating in classes and in other Yale SOM and university activities, students hereby agree to the university’s use and distribution of their image and/or voice in photographs, video or audio capture, or electronic reproductions of such classes and other Yale SOM and university activities (including, but not limited to, alumni activities), which may be held in-person or online. These images and recordings made by or on behalf of the university are the property of Yale University and may be included, for example, in course recordings supplied to students, on the Yale SOM website, and in other Yale University websites, publications, and social media, and may be otherwise used to support the university’s mission, subject to university policies and procedures. Audio recordings of Yale SOM and Yale University events and activities (including class sessions) should not be made by members of the Yale SOM or Yale University community who are not authorized to do so. Audio recordings outside the context of Yale SOM events and activities, such as recordings of private conversations, are not permitted to be made or shared without the express consent of all parties being recorded. Please contact the dean of students with any questions about this policy.
Alcohol Policy
The following guidelines apply whenever alcohol is purchased with school funds or for official school events, and regardless of the location of the event, on or off campus.
Alcohol purchased with school funds (from both internal and external accounts) must:
- Be used only for school-sponsored events approved through CampusGroups.
- Be maxed at two drinks per attendee.
- Include beer, hard seltzer, and wine only (no hard liquor).
- Be distributed through a drink ticket system to attendees.
- Be dispensed only to individuals who are twenty-one or more years old and must not be dispensed to any intoxicated person.
- Be properly removed at the conclusion of the event.
Events where alcohol is purchased with school funds must:
- Be held at a location with a liquor license and certificate of insurance.
- Be bartended by a non-SOM student, TIPS-certified bartender.
- Not exceed bar service of a two-hour time period.
- Not include drinking games of any kind. Examples of drinking games may include, but are not limited to, flip cup, beer pong, kings, etc.
- Include nonalcoholic beverages and food.
- Have the total cost of food be greater than or equal to the total cost of alcohol.
Violations of any of the School of Management alcohol policies and procedures may be referred to the Honor Committee for disciplinary action. Additional details on the Alcohol Policy can be found in the Student Organization Handbook.
Student Club Purchasing Policy
Student clubs must submit a payment request via CampusGroups to make a purchase, pay an invoice, have a contract signed, or create a purchase order. The request must include the club budget officer’s approval to be an approved purchase; without that approval, the request will be denied. The request must be submitted at least five business days before the event or before the date by which the item is needed. It is best practice to submit the request as soon as you receive budget officer approval; some purchasing requests can take up to one month to process.
Student Club and Enterprise Learning Credit Reimbursement Policy
Students must submit a reimbursement or ELC request using the proper form on the Yale SOM Jira Ticketing System in order to be reimbursed. The request must be submitted within ten days of the date the expense was incurred. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure all required tax documentation and proof of payment receipt—showing the last four digits of credit card number or a bank statement—are attached.
Fundraising Guidelines
Solicitation of alumni, faculty, or staff is not permitted without approval from the Office of Development and Alumni Relations. Guidelines are available from Academic Affairs and Student Life.
Policies on the Use of Information Technology Facilities
All members of the Yale SOM community are expected to be aware of and comply with the following policies and procedures, which are intended to ensure the reliable and secure delivery of information technology services in support of the academic and administrative mission of the school.
University Policies
Information technology at Yale University is governed by a set of policies, procedures, and guidelines ( All users of Yale SOM computing and network services, including those provided by the university, are expected to read and abide by the Information Technology Appropriate Use policy
(, as well as any other applicable policies. In the following summary of the Appropriate Use policy, “IT Systems” refers to systems, networks, and facilities owned, managed, or maintained by any entity of Yale University, including SOM, as well as privately owned computers used for university business activities or connected to the Yale network.
- Appropriate use IT Systems exists to support the research, education, and administrative work of the school and university. No other use is authorized without explicit permission.
- Authorized use Users are entitled to access only those elements of IT Systems that are consistent with their authorization.
- Prohibited use The following categories of use are prohibited: use that impedes, interferes with, impairs, or otherwise causes harm to the activities of others; use that is inconsistent with Yale’s nonprofit status; use of IT Systems in a way that suggests university or SOM endorsement of any political candidate or ballot initiative; harassing or threatening use; use damaging the integrity of university, SOM, or other IT Systems; use in violation of the law; use in violation of university contracts; use in violation of university policy; and use in violation of external data network policies.
- Free inquiry and expression Users of IT Systems may exercise rights of free inquiry and expression consistent with the principles of the 1975 Report of the Committee on Freedom of Expression at Yale and the limits of the law.
- Personal account responsibility Users are responsible for maintaining the security of their IT Systems accounts and passwords.
- Responsibility for content Individual offices publishing official university information in electronic form are responsible for that content. All other content published on or over IT Systems shall be treated as the private speech of an individual user.
- Personal identification Upon request by a systems administrator or other university authority, users must produce a valid Yale photo ID.
- Conditions of university access Notwithstanding the high value the university places on privacy, there are circumstances in which the university may determine that university access to IT Systems is warranted without the consent of the user and after following carefully prescribed processes.
- Enforcement procedures Individuals who believe they may have been harmed by an alleged violation of this policy or who have observed or been made aware of a violation may make a report to the chief information officer of the SOM Information Technology Group or to the university Information Security Office. Alleged violations will be pursued in accordance with the appropriate disciplinary procedures for faculty, staff, and students. Individuals found to have violated these policies may face IT-specific penalties, including the temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of some or all IT privileges and penalties provided for in other university policies. They may also be subject to criminal prosecution, civil liability, or both for unlawful use of any IT System. When appropriate, violations will be forwarded to the SOM Honor Committee for review.
SOM-IT Guidelines
SOM-IT Systems users are expected to be familiar with and follow these guidelines.
- Student hardware All students are expected to provide a computer meeting SOM recommended specifications and configure it themselves for use during their degree program. SOM-IT provides instructions for downloading and installing required software and other configuration steps. The SOM-IT Help Desk will make reasonable efforts to support students using computer models that meet recommended specifications.
- Password security Maintain confidentiality of your passwords at all times. University and SOM-IT personnel will never ask for passwords via email or other electronic means. SOM-IT may need access to your login information, including your password, to install software or troubleshoot an issue. SOM-IT will clearly explain how your password will be used. It is recommended that you change your password before and after SOM-IT has worked on your computer.
- Phishing and other attacks Question any attempt to gather personal information such as NetID, passwords, user names, and other personal information via email or other electronic means. Report phishing through the “Report Message” icon on the Outlook ribbon. For more information on phishing, see
- Data security The university and SOM-IT have deployed an extensive array of information security services in order to safeguard university and personal data. These methods are effective, but information being transmitted over data networks or stored in some environments cannot be perfectly secure. Users may choose to encrypt files, email, and other data for a higher level of protection. More information can be found on the Yale ITS site Cybersecurity ( Users encrypting their data should take special precaution to safely store the keys. Without them, SOM-IT will not be able to recover the data.
- Data backup It is highly recommended that you acquire software and services to provide data backup. Become familiar with its operation and ensure that your information is properly being protected by periodically reviewing the history log. Office 365 OneDrive and Box at Yale file-sharing and storage workspace can be used at no cost to upload and synchronize files for a form of data backup.
- Classroom technology SOM classrooms are equipped with digital projectors, audio systems, and other technology useful in teaching and learning. Please contact the SOM-IT Help Desk if you require any assistance in the proper use of these systems.
- SOM IT Assistance The SOM IT Service Catalog located at contains information on all services offered. If your student computer is not working properly or if you experience difficulty in using any SOM or Yale IT Service, the SOM-IT Help Desk is available to assist you during normal business hours at its location in the lower level, room L420; by phone, 203.432.7777; or by email, After-hours support is available by pressing 1 when you begin hearing the voicemail answering message, or by directly dialing Yale ITS at 203.432.9000.
Firearms and Weapons
The possession of explosives, guns, ammunition, air rifles, paintball and pellet guns, BB guns, Tasers, knives, or other weapons on the Yale SOM campus is prohibited.
University and School Names and Logos
The Yale University and Yale School of Management names, logotypes, and seals (in all formats) are protected by copyright law. Further, it is of great importance that faculty, students, and staff representing Yale SOM use the school’s established graphic standards. Any use of the name or logotype in the title or caption of a publication or organization, any use of the above-mentioned on stationery or business cards, or their use on any item or product to be distributed or sold by an individual or an organization must be approved by the SOM Office of Communications and is subject to the requirements and restrictions of the Yale Trademark Licensing Program. For further information, contact the Yale School of Management Office of Communications at 203.432.6009 or
Policy Regarding Children at the School
The Yale School of Management is an academic and professional community committed to the education of professional students. While we appreciate the special demands of parenting and recognize that on occasion unforeseen circumstances arise, the school does not have sufficient classroom or common area space to safely accommodate infants and children or to do so without disruption of the learning environment. In respect for the learning environment of all students and faculty, it should be the exception rather than the rule that children be brought to SOM during academic hours.
Policies and Guidelines of the Career Development Office (CDO)
The Yale School of Management Career Development Office provides resources and support throughout the internship and full-time job search processes. Students are expected to take responsibility for their job searches and to represent the school well by acting professionally in all interactions. Professional conduct conveys the shared values of our community and benefits all students. The CDO is your partner in your job search; reach out as early as possible with questions or concerns as they arise.
All questions regarding student or employer recruiting policies should be directed to
CDO Resources
The CDO website ( provides industry and job-search resources, event information, recordings, and useful links. It is a dynamic site, so bookmark it and check back often.
CDO Coaching Appointments
Coaching appointments are made via the Career Management System (CMS). A student who needs to cancel an appointment must do so via CMS as far in advance as is feasible. For “just-in-time” needs, use open hour, send a Slack message, call, or stop by the CDO.
CDO Programming
The CDO offers a series of in-person and virtual professional development programs throughout the year. Information about these offerings is listed in CMS and is updated regularly. For those sessions that require an RSVP, please promptly cancel your reservations if your plans change, so another student may attend in your place.
CDO Résumé DATABASE/Résumé Review Process
The CDO facilitates a résumé database through CMS for employers. To ensure consistency and ease of use by all potential Yale SOM employers, students are required to submit résumés written and formatted according to the SOM résumé template; résumés not meeting the SOM template format will be excluded from the Résumé Book. Participation in the résumé database is managed in CMS, and students must have their approved résumé in CMS by the initial deadline (to be announced) to participate.
The Recruiting Process
Employer Events and Interactions
Students will interact with employers throughout their experience at Yale SOM. Whether in educational or recruiting contexts, students are expected to represent themselves and the school well by conducting themselves professionally. Professional conduct includes only attending events to which students in your program were invited, coming prepared, asking relevant and appropriate questions during Q&A sessions, and appropriately managing attendance (“no showing,” arriving late, leaving early, using devices, etc. are examples of poor professional conduct). All of these expectations apply to both in-person and virtual engagements.
Class Attendance
Students may not miss class for interviews, recruiting events, or travel related to these or other recruiting activities. Employers may not require a student, as a condition of employment candidacy, to interview or attend an event at a time that conflicts with the student’s individual academic schedule. To avoid class conflicts, the CDO expects that all interviews take place outside of scheduled academic commitments. Contact the CDO ( with any questions as you navigate scheduling.
Students are expected to act in good faith when applying to positions and interviewing. Upon verbal or written acceptance of an employment offer, a student is expected to cease interviewing with other employers and cancel all scheduled interviews. Sending a note of explanation/apology for canceling upcoming interviews is an expected professional courtesy and an important part of long-term relationship management.
- Students are not permitted to miss class for interviews. Students who have a complex interview scheduling conflict should contact or stop by the CDO for guidance
- Students who have accepted an offer must cancel all upcoming interviews and inform the recruiting contact (cc’ing
- After accepting an offer, students complete the Employment Survey in CMS in a timely manner, thus removing themselves from the résumé database and consideration by other employers.
Making and Accepting Offers
Offer Timelines and Acceptance Policy (M.B.A. and M.A.M.)
Offer timelines, for both internship and full-time offers, should not preempt a student’s ability to participate in the on-campus recruiting process. For internship offers, Yale SOM expects all offers to remain open until at least January 31, 2025, and recommends a decision period of at least three weeks. Full-time offers should be left open until November 29, 2024, or for three weeks after the offer date, whichever is later.
In general, SOM asks that students work with employers to identify mutually agreeable offer response deadlines. A student who feels that the amount of time permitted to make a decision is not reasonable should communicate to the employer how much time is required and why the time is needed. Students who would like to discuss how to approach a firm to negotiate more time or who are unable to secure a reasonable decision period should contact the CDO to discuss next steps.
After accepting an offer, students must complete the Employment Survey in CMS.
Reneging on an Employment Offer
Definition of a Renege
“Reneging” means that a student has accepted an offer of employment—verbally or in writing—and subsequently turns down that offer for any reason. Acceptance of an offer should be made with the genuine intention to honor your commitment.
Yale SOM Policy on Reneges
We expect the highest degree of professionalism from all members of our community. Once you accept an offer, you must withdraw from consideration with all other employers you are pursuing, including any interviews you may have scheduled, with an explanation that you have accepted another offer.
If you are considering reneging on an offer, your first step needs to be speaking with the CDO. If reneging is in fact the path you take, how you do it matters. Reneges may cause significant harm to your professional reputation and severely damage the relationships shared by the Yale SOM community. What may seem like an individual choice, in fact, affects your classmates, alumni, and the overall reputation of Yale SOM.
Instances of reneging will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. All students are expected to be accountable for their actions and to take appropriate steps to address the situation with the affected employer.
Why Early Consultation Matters
It is critical that you reach out to the CDO in the early stages of the decision-making process. Reneging always has serious consequences, but the outcomes of a poorly handled decision to renege can be particularly damaging. The CDO can provide valuable input, including ideas and options that you may not have previously considered, which could result in a more positive outcome. In the event that you are considering reneging on an accepted offer, it is imperative that you meet with the CDO director or assistant dean before initiating any communication with the employer.
Professional Standards for Employers
Yale SOM holds all parties involved in the recruiting relationship to the highest professional standards. We take instances of unprofessional conduct by employers very seriously. Please bring any such cases to the attention of the CDO, including receipt of an “exploding offer,” rescindment of a previously extended employment offer, and any other egregious actions taken by an employer, so that we may address them appropriately. As with students verbally accepting an offer, we consider verbal offers by employers to be binding.
Student Privacy
Yale SOM recruiting partner access to Yale SOM student profile data is limited to a student’s default résumé and preferences in CMS. Information shared in one-on-one coaching sessions is kept confidential; only salient points may be shared internally with other CDO staff who might serve that student. The CDO does not recommend or endorse students, nor does it refer résumés to employers based on knowledge of or interactions with individual students. Employment data, including compensation information, reported by students is kept confidential and is only reported in aggregate.